I feel like this elf is such a big part of our daily life this month, that I should at least give you some background on the origin of his name.
Out of respect for the little creeper, of course.
Story of my life…….Sneaky Butters!!!!
I would like to add that Butters should up his game a bit because he has still only moved four times in a week and three of those were to another shelf in our house. I keep telling my child it’s because he is too worn out from trying to enforce discipline.
The Elf’s ‘magic’ worked for a total of one day. ONE GLORIOUS DAY.
But now my kid is back to his usual self and “bad to the bone” attitude. He doesn’t give a crap about his elf or any of his shenanigans or lack there of. He now likes to taunt him and do bad things to get his attention. When I say things like the “elf is watching” or “santa isn’t going to bring any presents” he laughs and says “we’ll see.”
We will see buddy.
We will see who is in charge here. Which brings me to the question, is it ok to give your kids coal like our parents threatened when we were growing up or is that grounds for being reported to CPS?
Do any parents ever fill these empty threats of no gifts? I’m strongly considering this and really need advice.
Give him a jar of pickles! See he might be super excited about it! Look mommy! “Pickles!!!”